Mark Your Calendar!
Two great events in the next two weeks:First up, our friends at Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights in New Orleans are hosting a book signing in their fantastic Museum in the French Quarter on Thursday, November 30th from 5:30 7:30PM. Head on over to 316 Royal Street to celebrate with us.Then join us in Texas for the McALPINE Speaker Luncheon at Houstons Premier Design Show: Theta Design Weekend, Saturday, December 2nd at 11:30 AM. Speakers include Bobby McAlpine, Susan Ferrier, Ray Booth, and David B . . .
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Up Next:
BIRMINGHAMTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 10AMNOON CIRCA INTERIORS & ANTIQUES2831 Culver Road, Birmingham, AL, 205-868-9199, Talk and book signing with Bobby McAlpine.circainteriors.comBOSTONTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2 PM BIBLIOPHILE BOSTON BOSTON DESIGN CENTERBoston, MA, Lecture & Book signing with Greg Tankersley and Ray Booth.bostondesign.comATLANTATHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 68PM DIXON RYE SHOWROOM1085 Howell Mill Road NW, Atlanta, GA, 404-883-3939, Book signing with Bobby McAlpine and Susan Ferrier.dixonrye. . . .
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Coming Up!
DALLASTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 4-6PM PERENNIALS1600 Viceroy Drive, Suite 500, Dallas, TX, 214-638-4162, Talk & book signing with Bobby McAlpine.perennialfabrics.comBIRMINGHAMTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 10AMNOON CIRCA INTERIORS & ANTIQUES2831 Culver Road, Birmingham, AL, 205-868-9199, Book signing & conversation with Bobby McAlpine, Chris Tippett and John Sease.circainteriors.comBOSTONTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2 PM BIBLIOPHILE BOSTON BOSTON DESIGN CENTERBoston, MA, Lecture & Book signing with Greg Tankersl . . .
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This Week
Upcoming events. Come join us!NEW YORKTUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 6-8PM RIZZOLI BOOKSTORE LAUNCH EVENT1133 Broadway, New York, NY, 212-759-2424, Celebration & book signing.rizzolibookstore.comNEW YORKWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 6PM McKINNON AND HARRIS SHOWROOM211 East 59th Street, New York, NY, 212-371-8260, Book signing and opportunity to meet Greg Tankersley, Ray Booth & John Sease (sponsored by Luxe).RSVP: mandhbooksigningNY.eventbrite.comHIGH POINTSUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2-3PM HIGH POINT MARKETSuites at . . .
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The New Guard: Anne Wilkinson & Billy Quimby Appointed BAMO Principals
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